
评论之星·双语视评丨中国文化瑰宝-A Chinese Cultural treasure

来源:红网 作者:陈保君,石若舒,邓琳娜 编辑:刘昱 2022-01-02 20:38:34




最近的新闻显示,在打捞的宝船中发现了一些稀有精致的中国瓷器残片。这件瓷器出自康熙皇帝统治时期,他在 1661 年至 1722 年间统治着中国。著名的丝绸之路以非常好的方式改变了每个国家的经济。西班牙与中国的关系很好,我们可以在佛罗里达州的博物馆看到非常精美的中国瓷器。哪怕只是碎片,也能展现出中国瓷器的艺术之美。中国以许多发明而闻名世界,但瓷器是我最喜欢的发明之一。瓷器是实用而美丽的东西。英文之所以叫china,是因为它最早是在中国制造的,这充分说明了精致的瓷器可以成为中国的代表。据一些权威史料看,真正意义上的瓷器,直到东汉中晚期才出现,大约在公元 25 年。

Hello everyone! This is reporter DengLinNa.

Recent news shows that rare and delicate pieces of Chinese porcelain have been found in a Spanish treasure fleet. This piece of porcelain comes from the reign of Emperor Kangxi, who ruled China from 1661 to 1722. The famous Silk Road changed the economy of every country in a very good way. The relation between Spain and China is very good, and we can see the most beautiful Chinese porcelain in museums in Florida. Even small fragments can show the true beauty of Chinese porcelain. China is famous for many inventions, but porcelain is one of my favorite inventions. Porcelain is a practical and beautiful thing. The reason why it is called “china” in English is because it was first made in China, which fully shows that porcelain can represent China. Porcelain in the true sense did not appear until the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was around 25 before Christ.


中国名瓷产区有江西景德镇、湖南醴陵、福建德化、广东石湾、河北唐山、山东淄博等。尤其是景德镇素有瓷都之称。中国古董瓷器非常珍贵,一件古董瓷器的创纪录价格是 84,000,000 美元。在 18 世纪,如果您进入欧洲房屋,您会看到中国风的瓷器。贵族妇女收藏中国瓷器,引领时尚。那个时候,如果你家里没有中国瓷器,那你就不时髦了。时至今日,人们仍对中国瓷器情有独钟。

从 14 世纪早期到 18世纪后期,釉下蓝色装饰在陶瓷领域占据主流地位。 青花瓷征服了东南亚、中东、欧洲和美洲的市场。在欧洲,意大利是第一个尝试自己制作瓷器的国家。然而,每个人都遵循了中国风格。许多法国艺术家沿袭了中国风格。


Chinese famous porcelain producing areas include Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, Liling in Hunan, Dehua in Fujian, Shiwan in Guangdong, Tangshan in Hebei, Zibo in Shandong, and so on. Especially Jingdezhen is known as the Porcelain Capital. Chinese antique porcelain is very precious. The record price of an antique porcelain is 84,000,000 US dollars. In the 18th century, if you had entered a European house, you would have seen Chinese-style porcelain. Aristocratic women collected Chinese porcelain as it was fashionable. At that time, if you didn't have Chinese porcelain at home, then you wouldn't be fashionable. Today, people still have a soft spot for Chinese porcelain.

From the early 14th century to the late 18th century, underglaze blue decoration dominated the ceramics field. Blue and white porcelain has conquered markets in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe and America. In Europe, Italy was the first country to try making porcelain by itself. Everyone followed the Chinese style. Many French artists have followed the Chinese style.

Let's take a look at some great works from European museums.


我去过上海博物馆,我记得那里有很多美丽的陶瓷。 那个博物馆有500多件陶器和瓷器。我最喜欢的是元代青瓷。保存完好的瓷器可以使用1000多年!如果你家里有瓷器,你家里就会有一部中国历史,一段永恒的回忆。


I have been to the Shanghai Museum. I remember there are many beautiful ceramics there. There are more than 500 pieces of pottery and porcelain in that museum. My favorite is Yuan Dynasty celadon. Well-preserved porcelain can be used for more than 1,000 years! If you have porcelain in your home, you will have a little bit of China in your home, a piece of Chinese history, and an eternal memory.

In the Treasure Fleet exhibition, porcelain fragments from the Florida Museum were traded for Spanish silver. Chinese porcelain has a unique design. Compared with all the coins on board, and all the gold in the world, Chinese ceramics are the most precious!



Therefore, Chinese porcelain is not only beautiful, but also contains rich cultural heritage. This is because of its internal and external qualities, which represent the unique spiritual temperament of the Chinese people, and porcelain has been cherished by people all over the world for thousands of years. I believe that Chinese porcelain will be known and searched by more and more people in the future, and will shine all around the world. Let us wait and see! Thank you all for watching! I’m reporter Deng Lin Na.







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